Ķekavas legends rogaining

Bulletin Programma How to get to the competition center Map


This is how Dole Island was called in the past, because a Livonian wooden castle was located here before the Crusaders burned it down. But the island got its current name from the name of Dolen, the lord of Vecdole Castle. On the other side of the island, on the Dry Daugava, the Riga churchmen also built another one - Jaundole Castle, which was blown up during the Polish-Swedish War. In its place, a manor was built, which later became an elementary school, then a fishermen's collective farm club, and in 1977 a Daugava Museum, where you can see the fishermen's homestead "Mellupi" with salmon and lamprey traps, as well as evidence of the flooded Mārtiņš and Nolpe islands of the Riga HPP, and the far end of Dole Island, where the former president of our country grew up in the "Vīķi" house.

competition progress and program

Add event too Google calendar or add to to Apple Calendar


Time Actity
09:30 Begins issue of competitor bibs and maps
11:00 Start for 6h rogaining (participants of the Rogaining hike can start the distance from 11:00 to 13:00)
11:30 Start for 3h MTB rogaining
12:00 Start for 4h rogaining
13:00 Start for 2h rogaining, 2h rogaining run un 2h rogaining walk
14:30 Control time end for 3h MTB rogaining
15:00 Control time end for 2h rogaining un 2h rogaining run
16:00 Control time end for 4h rogaining
17:00 Control time end for 6h rogaining un Rogaining hike
17:10 Begins prize giving for classes. INTERVALS.LV lottery withr Garmin and other prizes.


Competition center will be located in Ķekava apple orchard (Nākotnes iela 2, Ķekava, Ķekavas pagasts, Ķekavas novads, LV-2123)

Norādes uz sacensību centru:


If you want fans to be able to follow you during the competition by watching the big screen at the competition center, or to analyze your (or your competitors') wandering around the correct checkpoint location after the competition, use the MapRun smartphone application:

  • iPhone version: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/maprun/id1634949963
  • Android version: https://play.google.com/store/search?q=maprun&c=apps
  • Garmin version: https://apps.garmin.com/en-US/apps/05fa6a5e-e9e6-4865-8b3b-0b8a3c64eeba
  • Open the application > Name > Write down your name, surname, gender, age > Accept > Select Event > Latvia > Pilsetas_legendas > "Event name" (scan this QR code or click on the link) > Ok (you may have to wait ~20 seconds for it to load) > Go to Start
  • Turn on the GPS function on your smartphone shortly before the start shot.
  • When you are within a 15-meter radius of the start or checkpoints, or at the finish, they will turn green (counted), and the smartphone will beep/vibrate (you can then keep the phone in your pocket or bag without taking it out until the finish, because as long as you hear the phone beeping at each checkpoint - it means that the application is working successfully).
  • Instead of the phone, you can also use your GPS bracelet, after the finish uploading your GPX route here: http://www.p.fne.com.au/#/gpsupload
  • Routes will be visible here.
  • If the MapRun application did not count a checkpoint for you, then press: Show Results > select the rogaining you just ran > Review Results (HITMO) and indicate the missing checkpoints!


Since this year it will be possible to ride a bicycle in the MTB class in all stages, for the convenience of cyclists, the map will classify paved (brown) and unpaved fast/medium/slow/very slow (the more dashed, the slower) black roads and paths. The tractor tracks depicted with a narrow path symbol will be unusable for cyclists, but pedestrians can try to squeeze through.

Vegetation is depicted as close as possible to the gradual transitions from very young to young, to medium and old forest stands observable in nature, using 4 different colors: green, lighter, very light and white, which orienteers are already used to in their maps. But in contrast to classic orienteering maps, they will not depict runnability, but only the age of the forest stand. Such a finer forest depiction is possible thanks to the laser point cloud data published by the Latvian Geospatial Information Agency, which everyone can download for free and generate map layers from them.

We remind you that the areas marked with olive green in the standard orienteering symbols are closed to participants. On the other hand, we colored the closed roads in red. Even if it is not marked on the map, but you see a sign "Private property" or "No entry" in nature, please observe it and choose another route. Of course, first of all, the organizers themselves will try to plan the checkpoints so that getting to them does not violate the rights of private owners.

Contour lines will be with a relatively fine 2 m step.


Competition maps are received by participants on the morning of the competition by registering at the registration tent. The maps will be moisture-resistant, but each participant is responsible for preserving the map in wet conditions. The map scale is 1:20,000, i.e., 1 cm = 200 m in nature. Size 62 x 43 cm (keep this in mind when choosing a bike map holder).

Checkpoint Legends

Familiarize yourself with the checkpoint legends or location descriptions! Although in any case you have to look for the object located in the center of the circle, the legends explain more precisely whether you need to look for the north or south side of the building, etc. Some of the checkpoint locations are so legendary that we had to encrypt them so that they would not be guessed before time. However, you can try to guess them even now. You will find out the correct answers on the day of the competition before the start, when you receive the map with checkpoints.